Lessons for living: Wisdom

Lessons for living: Wisdom

Wisdom is the practice of developing knowledge and using that knowledge effectively to solve problems. Wisdom is related to intelligence, but is slightly different. Being smart is not the same as being wise. Wisdom comes from making an effort to learn deeply about...
Lessons for living: Kindness

Lessons for living: Kindness

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Kindness is based on our common humanity. This means that we recognise that we humans are more similar than we are different and that we go through the same experiences in life. We all suffer at...
Lessons for living: Love and empathy

Lessons for living: Love and empathy

Love is a feeling of deep affection for someone or something. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. We are born premature. In order for the human to pass through the birth canal, it is most likely that nature planned for the baby to be...
Lessons for living: Emergence

Lessons for living: Emergence

Creativity is a way of being in which life feels new and fresh in each moment. It is marked by exploration and experimentation. This creative way of being is one in which there is deep sense of emergence and presence. Emergence is the experience of fresh perception,...
Lessons for living: Creativity

Lessons for living: Creativity

There was once a boy who banged a drum all day. No matter what anyone else said, he wouldn’t stop. Various people were called in by neighbours and asked to do something about the child. One by one, townsfolk came to warn the boy about his eardrums or that drums were...