Living the questions: What is my gift?

Living the questions: What is my gift?

A gift is something that is given. Like a present, it is something that is given freely. It can also refer to a notable capacity or talent that we possess. When we speak about a person’s gift or gifts, we are talking about something valuable that they hold inside...
Lessons for living: Inspiration

Lessons for living: Inspiration

Inspiration is the experience of being stimulated to do something, usually something creative. The experience of inspiration often involves a sudden, brilliant or timely idea. It is an act of ‘drawing in’, coming from inspirare, meaning to ‘breathe in’. When we say...
Lessons for living: Vision and dreams

Lessons for living: Vision and dreams

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable” – Seneca Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom. Visions come as ideas or images. The ability to en-vision is the ability to see possibilities in...
Lessons for living: Trust

Lessons for living: Trust

Trust is a belief in the reliability, strength or ability of someone or something. We can trust in a principle like truth. We can find trust in a cause, an idea, a community or life itself. Hope is a type of trust because we are depending on, and putting our...