by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2022 | News |
Attachment plays a central role in setting the path for developmental risks and providing opportunities for early intervention and prevention (Brisch, 2012). Intervention research has highlighted the role of relational interventions in promoting resilient functioning...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2022 | News |
Resilience can be defined as “the potential or manifested capacity of a dynamic system to adapt successfully to disturbances that threaten the function, survival or development of the system.” (Masten, 2015, P.187). Parenting is central to both child and family...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2022 | News |
Converging evidence shed new light on the potential for primary prevention in mental health for young people (Colizzi et al, 2020). Prevention in mental health should not be the responsibility of mental health professionals alone. Integrated and multidisciplinary...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2022 | News |
The sciences of early development, disorder prevention and health have, according to Robert Emde (2019), undergone huge advances in recent times. This has grown out of a greater awareness of suffering, the adverse effects of unattended early risk and has given energy...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2022 | News |
“The best time to influence the character of a child is 100 years before they are born” – W.R. Inge Promotion, prevention and early intervention may have the greatest impact on health and well-being for people (Colizzi et al, 2020). These strategies are recognised as...