An emergency is a serious, unexpected and often dangerous situation that requires immediate action. We live now at a time when a number of emergencies are emerging in the world.
Thinking time: What are some of the emergencies that we are facing?
(Loss of species and biodiversity, poverty, inequality, racism, climate change, war, mental health etc.)
The good news is that as humans we are wired to respond to emergencies. Times of emergency turns on our strengths, resilience and sense of purpose. While it can feel overwhelming to look at the problems we face, there is another way of thinking about them. We can see this time as an opportunity. It is an opportunity for us to grow, heal and transform. It is an opportunity to create a better world.
The task is daunting but challenge is essential to living a good human life. All the adventure stories teach us this. In the beginning, the hero often feels overwhelmed and ill-prepared to face the problem at hand. But when they take on the task and begin the journey, they find that the help and resources they need are also present.
Being able to make a difference in the world feels enlivening. Our job is to play our role in making a contribution to the healing of the world. We each hold within us a gift which we can give that will help in the emergence of a better world. It is only by meeting the challenge of our time that our inner strengths and gifts can emerge.
Emergence refers to the process of something that was concealed becoming visible. Or the process of something coming into existence. It is in times of emergency that emergence happens. Something emerges individually and collectively to respond to the crisis.
Which of the problems or crises that we currently face in the world speaks to you? Which ones touch your heart the most? What issues do you care about the most?
Then consider what kind of response this problem is calling for. You can take a few moments to write about this, draw or visualise.
Finally, consider the question: What contribution or response can I make to help solving this problem? How might I play my role in this?