Sociality part 2: The source of security

Sociality part 2: The source of security

Herds, packs, flocks and schools evolved because life was safer in larger numbers (Bloom, 2013). Security is the primary reason for social life. Many behaviours like walking or dancing are pleasurable because they synchronise our rhythms with others. One theory for...
Sociality part 1: The disease of disconnection

Sociality part 1: The disease of disconnection

In ‘Bowling alone’ Robert Putman highlighted the decline in social capital – the benefits of participating in social networks (Gilligan et al, 2018). Putnam demonstrated that civic organisation and social institutions (family, school, religious organisations) that...
Traumatic re-enactment: The compulsion to repeat

Traumatic re-enactment: The compulsion to repeat

Sandra bloom writes that the realisation that humans tend to repeat traumatic experience has led to the fear that our society is suffering post-traumatic deterioration that could lead to self-destruction as it can do with individuals who remained locked into traumatic...
What is trauma?

What is trauma?

According to Gabor Mate, trauma can be understood as a wound that hardens a person psychologically and interferes with the ability to grow and develop. It creates pain and out of the pain a person acts out. Trauma is not what happens to you but it is about what...