Cultural evolution through early intervention

Cultural evolution through early intervention

The numerous signs of dysfunction we witness in the world around us can be thought of as symptoms that signal a deep malaise at the heart of our modern culture. There are signs that this culture is creaking under high levels of distress expressing itself in numerous...
Aboriginal healing practices: Rhythm and regulation

Aboriginal healing practices: Rhythm and regulation

The psychiatrist Bruce Perry notes that our ancestors developed systems of practices to heal trauma and loss. Amongst aboriginal cultures some common healing principles are present. The core elements in these rituals include creating a meaningful narrative within a...
Attachment in infancy and across the lifespan

Attachment in infancy and across the lifespan

Mary Ainsworth was a researcher who developed a test for attachment – the strange situation. In this experiment a mother and a one-year-old enter a room full of toys. The child is given time to explore and play. Then a stranger enters the room. Next, the mother leaves...