by Evan Dwan | Feb 13, 2022 | News |
Sarah Hrdy writes: “It was the mother who continuously carried the infant skin-to-skin contact – stomach to stomach, chest to breast. Soothed by her heartbeat, nestled in the heat of her body, rocked by her movements, the infant’s entire world was its mother” (1999,...
by Evan Dwan | Feb 13, 2022 | News |
In order to reverse the current negative trends in well-being, science needs to develop an understanding of the psychobiological needs of humans that result from their evolutionary nature (Narvaez et al, 2013). The diminishment of child-rearing capacity in modern...
by Evan Dwan | Feb 13, 2022 | News |
A system cannot be expected to operate effectively except in its environment of adaptedness (Bowlby, 1969). It is critical to consider the environment in which humans are adapted to operate. In recent millennia humans have extended the environments in which they are...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 19, 2022 | News |
It has been claimed that we are in a ‘crisis of connection’ (Gilligan et al, 2018). People are more disconnected from each other with “a state of alienation, isolation and fragmentation characterising much of the modern world” (p.1). The ‘we’ that symbolises community...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 6, 2022 | News |
Schore (2012) writes that radical expansion of knowledge in social and affective neuroscience and the paradigm shift (from a focus on cognition to emotion) has implication for the political and cultural organisation of society. McGilChrist (2009) notes how the right...
by Evan Dwan | Jan 5, 2022 | News |
A major obstacle to creating a more peaceful society is failing to recognise that all of our human systems are ‘trauma-organised’ (Bloom, 2018). In this dynamic there is the victim, the perpetrator and the absence of a protector. In the trauma-organised system it is a...