by Evan Dwan | Jul 17, 2022 | News |
It was many years ago that the villagers of Downstream recall spotting the first body in the river. Some old timers remember how spartan were the facilities and procedures for managing that sort of thing. Sometimes, they say, it would take hours to pull 10 people from...
by Evan Dwan | May 21, 2022 | News |
Psychobiological attunement and interactive entrainment of physiological rhythms mediate attachment which regulates biological synchronicity between and within organisms (Schore, 2012). Polyrhythmic body movements carry emotional messages that make it possible for...
by Evan Dwan | May 21, 2022 | News |
Schore (2012) describes how the ‘rhythmic developmental movement’ between survival-security and exploration ‘etches’ a template in the brain ‘for the rest of the lifespan’ (p.387). The rhythmic movement outward for exploration and inward for safety is the hallmark of...
by Evan Dwan | May 14, 2022 | News |
The right brain is critical to survival functions like allocation of attention, positive and negative affect, regulating stress and the ability to read other’s emotions intuitively in an empathic way (Schore, 2019a). Across the lifespan the right-lateralised...
by Evan Dwan | May 8, 2022 | News |
Modern societies tend to minimise feelings and focus on language and cognition (Porges, in Mitchell, Tuuci and Tronick). However, theory and research has changed focus from left brain conscious cognition to right brain unconscious affect and its nonverbal relational...
by Evan Dwan | May 7, 2022 | News |
There are signs that various aspects of the human condition are under severe stress and this is being expressed in an increase in emotional disorders in childhood and adulthood (Schore, 2012). The roots of psychopathology lie in traumatic attachment experiences....