by Evan Dwan | Jul 19, 2019 | News |
We live in an emotionally-phobic society. There is a deep distrust and fear of feeling and emotion, such that this essential aspect of our humanity is largely left out of social, educational and organisational life. When someone asks how you are do you reply honestly?...
by Evan Dwan | Jul 19, 2019 | News |
What is the nature of learning and what are the types of learning that really matter? If you were to think back over your life what are the learning experiences that really stood out as fundamental, meaningful or important? Chances are it is not necessarily...
by Evan Dwan | Jul 18, 2019 | News |
In a society that puts such value on efficiency and productivity we are often quite resistant to the practice of deep contemplation, specifically contemplating the why of things, questioning the reasons that we do what we do. Why(!) is this? Why questions are...
by Evan Dwan | Jul 4, 2019 | News |
What if we were to structure society and our education systems to conform to human needs rather than the other way around? What if we let the individual direct their own educational activity? The sad reality is that before children go to school, they are alive,...
by Evan Dwan | Jul 4, 2019 | News |
If we were to design an educational system from scratch what would we design it for? What aims and purposes would we have? What might we hope to ‘draw out’ in the young? What kind of person would we seek to create? When thinking of education, I think it is important...