by Evan Dwan | Aug 21, 2019 | News |
Success, in any endeavour, is predicated on our capacity to recognise the most important thing and to be mindful of this fact as we move forward. By remembering the most important thing in any situation we are less likely to deviate, lose direction, or get lost and...
by Evan Dwan | Aug 21, 2019 | News |
Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good at something. Often excellence can be framed in elitist terms, something reserved only for the very best in any field. However, it might be more helpful to think of excellence in personal terms, in terms...
by Evan Dwan | Apr 16, 2019 | News |
After a long, hard climb up a mountain a group of seekers found themselves in front of a great teacher. ‘How do we become wise?’ they ask. ‘Good choices’, replies the teacher ‘But how do we make good choices?’ ‘From experience’ ‘And how do we get experience?’ ‘Bad...