by Evan Dwan | Jan 3, 2021 | News |
The autonomic nervous system learns through experience. This process begins before birth as we take in and respond to our environment. Adverse environments can have an adverse effect on this shaping process. Prenatal adversity can include maternal stress, poverty,...
by Evan Dwan | Apr 6, 2020 | News |
Within what is called our ‘window of tolerance’ we feel calm, centred, and content. But when we move outside of that window of tolerance our energy becomes too high and we become hyper-aroused (anxious, angry) or too low and we become hypo-aroused (low, depressed,...
by Evan Dwan | Apr 4, 2020 | News |
Feelings like sadness, anger, and anxiety can be very strong and intense and sometimes feel like they could last forever. But everything in life is always changing, including feelings. When you notice a feeling, see if you can track it – observe it moment to moment....
by Evan Dwan | Apr 3, 2020 | News |
When difficult feelings come up, we tend to ‘blend’ with them. This means the feeling takes us over and we and the feeling become one. We are ‘fused’. In order to be able to manage the feeling better we must defuse or unblend with it. How do we do this? Well, one way...
by Evan Dwan | Aug 8, 2019 | News |
A state refers to the particular condition that someone or something is in at a particular time. A self-state is the condition that the self is in in any given moment. An essential skill for living well is learning to regulate our internal states. What is a state made...